Many people ask me why I have a recipe blog. Certainly I would not necessarily have to give an explanation but in Chile people are curious. I do not make money. I do not make promotions. I do it for the simple pleasure of sharing and because I have inherited from my grandmothers and my mother the love of cooking. Sometimes the time is short, I am taking care of my mom (after my dad died) care two dogs (one is 1 and a half months old. And care about my twins and hubby :) Sometimes I make my posts with Wolf (the puppy) in my arms cause is like a baby.! Wolf But especially I love baking. It relaxes me makes me loose the problems, the urgencies, this difficult and selfish world. And I've always been like this is not from now only. I also like share , people always ask me for recipes. I love Pies and since hubby was saying "there are lots of apples" so I was looking for a recipe and found this with raspberries and apples and w...