I know many of you are in Winter season and that's fine. But let me tell you that here we have a terrible summer with very high temperatures (and coming from years of drought) the other day I read that we are just from the countries most affected by the climate change that has caused by all of us who should take care of our planet. We dont have other. It is a fact that the Antartic poles that have the largest water reserves have decreased. That's why I'm worried about the extreme heat. Today we have 38,3 °C (100,94° F) Im waiting by my autumn! Moving to another point I always cook or bake at any time or season because is my core, my life motiv! So I made these cakes of chocolate and black sesame that had the recipe saved a long time ago. Absolutely delicious. They can be made in small loafs or in a long one. BTW black sesame is really healthy you can read here about it. Here the twins and hubby liked them a lot. Well I send h...