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Showing posts from November, 2019

Chocolate brownie muffins ( brownies /muffins de chocolate)

I had several recipes ready but it took me some time  start the posts, honestly it's hard  think what to talk about, maybe from here? of the current situation, of sorrows and distress, or  about Christmas that is so close and I love Christmas? Although I am not normally depressed, it is hard to keep the spirit when you watch the news, when there are fires, looting and other things, how did this come about? I dont know. Apart from praying, reading and baking (catharsis) I try to think about Christmas. Even in the most difficult times people celebrate Christmas, and I believe in God and the birth of Jesus, so I will try to take care of the Christmas spirit. Well, apart from continuing to make jams (apricots are maturing) and I don't like to bury the fruit so that's what I'm in. This recipe for "Brownie muffins" has the best of everything, it is a muffin with the taste of a brownie. Thank you all for your mails, love and concern, hugs and  kisses to all ! Source ...

Pears and strawberry Crumble (Crumble de peras , almendras, coco y frutillas)

If you ask me right now  which season I like best, I would say it is autumn so far.  Sincerely at this time I would be happy to be in Autumn and winter will come. But we are at the end of spring and starting with a very hot summer ,  and   with all the problems we are living here  in our  country now   is very hard. (Many fights here in many sites that is worry me) You can go out one day and you do not know if there will be subway or buses.  Or maybe you have an appointment with the kinesiologist and nobody tells you that he left earlier or that date was suspended, anyway. And when you ask why happens this, all say but you know the times we are living. Im not agree with it. In the middle of this I try to keep doing things like baking, reading and pray (like always reading is my my joy) And  I pray a lot by different reasons. Please pray   for for our country  we need it.  I made my first strawberry jam and I hope...